Opening a new restaurant does not promise profits. Advertising it will get customers to your hutti. Printing menu brochures of your restaurants and arranging teams to promote your restaurants by door-to-door campaigns takes away a significant chunk of your advertising budget. Food Hutti provides a platform to advertise restaurants where the foodies discover places for their food cravings. Food lovers can find sufficient information about restaurants present in their city enabling them to decide whether the restaurant is worth a try.

  • Listing your restaurant is free on foodhutti.
  • Your account on foodhutti is made.
  • Enter your email and set password.
  • Click the signup button
  • Signing Up:

  • Click on and fill in the information.
  • Upload the menu, restaurant image, buffet & hi tea menus (if applicable)
  • Do mention your location and phone number so customer can order for home delivery if you provide it.
  • At last click PUBLISH button to publish your restaurant page on FoodHutti.

Listing a restaurant is free on FoodHutti however, in order for your restaurant to get more views its better to promote your restaurant.
  • Click on
  • Then click on Advertise your page button
  • You will be directed to Packages page. Select your preferred package, pay the fee, and Upload the proof of payment on the same page and select submit.

Your request will be placed for approval. You can always check the status by clicking

In case you want to choose multiple Packages. Repeat the steps mentioned above separately for the required package. In case you have paid the fee of multiple package altogether you can upload the same receipt for all the package requests.

  • FoodHutti is an online platform to explore restaurants in your city. Searching Restaurants on Foodhutti is super easy.
  • Case 1: If you want to find details of a particular Restaurant just enter restaurant name, city and area/Location and press search.
  • Case 2: If you want to find random restaurants in a particular city, just select city and press Search.
  • Case 3: If you want to search restaurants in a particular location of a city simply select city and enter Area where you want to search restaurants.
  • You can also search category wise from the category bar such as desi, Chinese etc.